Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The quest for true happiness can easily become a mystery. Why? Because we live in a world that offers so many choices that cast the allusion that they will lead you to true happiness, but in fact they may not.

So let us look at some of the choices that are available to us and let us prayerfully consider which one might be the right one.

CHOICE #1: “Can riches bring true happiness?” 
This is one of the leading pathways that people take thinking it will lead to true happiness. The reason it’s so popular among believers and unbelievers alike is because it does indeed lead to a temporary happiness. Even the bible says that money answers all things.  But the bible also admonishes us to beware of the Deceitfulness of Riches. Yes riches/materialism does have its place, but it must be kept in its place. If you don’t learn to control it, it will definitely control you.

Prosperity has its benefits, but it is never to be mistaken for the Source of one’s happiness. If a person is an achiever and is blessed with any degree of wealth or prosperity, he/she must learn to take the necessary steps to ensure their continued success. Riches are very deceitful. They can be here today, and gone tomorrow. They are not to be trusted.

However, one way of maintaining the right focus is to ALWAYS BE A GIVER. Not only materialistically so, but also be willing to give of yourself. When we learn to do this we are removing the focus from off of ourselves and we are placing it on others. We must remember that we have been blessed by God to be a blessing to others. Whenever a person becomes selfish or consumed with their wealth or riches they have officially become a servant/slave to those riches. And slowly, but surely you will become subservient to them. So much so, that they will begin to dictate your emotional state. Meaning, they will have the authority to make you either happy or sad.

We must understand that the pathway of riches does not have the ability to deliver true happiness. Many of people down through the annals of time have followed this pathway for many of years thinking it would lead them to true happiness, only to discover that it will not.

CHOICE #2:  “Can true happiness be found in relationships?”   
Yes and no. Relationships are an integral part of true happiness. Why? This is the way that God has engineered mankind. Intrinsically we desire to connect with others. It is the law of attraction. This is the reason that such sites as Facebook and Twitter have become so successful. They promote the very thing that we desire….”Relationship.”

Therefore it would stand to reason why we would think that the perfect relationship can lead to true happiness. Although a healthy relationship will certainly aid you in your journey to find true happiness, a human relationship alone will not do it.

Human relationships by themselves were not designed to bear the burden of delivering true happiness. Yes it does have a role to play in this ongoing saga, but human relationships are too fragile and can not endure this rigorous journey alone.

CHOICE #3 “Can religion lead to true happiness?” 
This is the pathway that many believers take. This can be a tricky pathway to take because it does have the capacity to lead you to true happiness if it is correctly followed. Nevertheless, you must remain spiritually sober and vigilant. Why? Because man has the propensity to error in his efforts to follow this path no matter how sincere he may be. Although religion alone can not deliver true happiness, it is a very good place to begin your journey.

CHOICE #4: “Can spiritualism lead you to true happiness”  
 This too is a tricky one. Why? Because this pathway does indeed have the ability to lead one to true happiness, however there are some detours that exist on this pathway that can easily lead one astray.

This choice is closely related to choice #3 and they can compliment each other, but they are slightly different. 

Mankind is both a natural and spiritual being. CHOICES #1 & #2 that we discussed above address the natural aspect of man’s desire, but it does not address his spiritual needs. This is why the pathway of riches or the pathway of relationships alone can not deliver true happiness.

Now, the pathway of religion (CHOICE #3) identifies with the spiritual side of man and although it is adequate in addressing his spiritual needs. The pathway of religion alone can not deliver true happiness.

Lastly, the pathway of spirituality combined with the pathways of religion, relationship and riches is the most capable of leading you to true happiness because it encompasses what we need both naturally and spiritually to be successful. In III John 3 the bible declares, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” God is interested in the success of the total man.

I define spirituality as the capacity that one has been given to be knowledgeable of God’s will and has been enabled by God to live a life that glorifies and honors Him.

Although this is the best pathway that one can take in their quest to find true happiness, even this pathway will contain pitfalls that are designed to get you off track and to lead you astray. 

However if a person can find enough strength to remain on this pathway they will eventually find true happiness. Why? Because this pathway will lead you right to the source of true happiness. The mystery of this pathway is if you follow it, it will ultimately lead you down all the other pathways successfully. The bible emphatically declares in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

In closing, the question remains, “How does one find true happiness?” After a careful examination of the major choices that we listed above I have come this conclusion.

Find Jesus. If you find Him, you will find true happiness. In John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” He also states in John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

I pray and hope this was a help to you and I wish you well as continue along your journey to find true happiness.

About the author: Elder Gaius Robinson is the senior pastor of Holy Covenant Church www.TheHolyCovenant.org located in Memphis, Tn.

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